Wastewater Management

Non-potable Water Solutions

Overflowing manhole

Flow Smarter, Not Harder

As a water system, you have to comply with complex state and federal regulations for wastewater management. Failing to do so results in costly citations and fines. Proper management is also essential to protect public health, the environment, and our natural resources.

540 Technologies helps you:

  • Measure wastewater flow
  • Monitor for overflows
  • Record and process data 
  • Monitor Inflow and Infiltration (I&I) 
  • Prevent overflows and blockages

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Wastewater Management Products

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water ripples

Measure Water Flow

Issues like blockages or leaks impede the flow of wastewater, leading to backups and overflows.

540 Technologies helps you:

  • Monitor I&I
  • Understand variations of flow over time
  • Monitor spillover
  • Measure and track conservation water releases
  • Plan for future expansions

Optimize Wastewater Flow
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Discover I&I Solutions

Stormwater and groundwater may overload a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and cause sewage overflows when I&I isn’t managed correctly. The results are damaging and expensive, with fines and penalties for non-compliance.

With the right equipment from 540 Technologies, you can identify and monitor problem areas within your system to take action sooner rather than later.

Find your flow
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Capture Real-Time Data

Get the essential infrastructure, connectivity, and data-management tools you need to remotely monitor and manage wastewater. With I&I insights from 540 Technologies you can:

  • Streamline manual operations
  • Reduce operating costs
  • Provide reliable service to customers
  • Reduce wastewater expenses
  • Know Your Numbers
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    Prevent Overflows

    Causes of stormwater and wastewater overflows include sewer defects and blockages, power failures, improper sewer design, and even vandalism. Overflows carry the risk of environmental contamination. The Smart Water experts at 540 Technologies help you improve your wastewater system to minimize and mitigate I&I, save money, and stay compliant.

    Mitigate Overflow Risks
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    Track Water Conservation Releases

    Regular, planned releases of water from dams are designed to manage the amount of water in pools behind dams to ensure there is room for flood control and fish conservation. This allows for proper downstream flow for wildlife habitat preservation. 540 Technologies helps you measure and track these releases to comply with required regulations.

    Manage Water Releases
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    Explore an Advanced Water System at work

    LB City is an interactive map that captures subsurface waterworks infrastructure in action, showcasing a wide array of innovative water system technologies, components and supplies. Take a look beneath the surface.


    Knowledge Base

    Visit our comprehensive resource center for valuable information on water loss management and more. Whether you’re a water management professional or a policy maker, our knowledge base has something for everyone.